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                         SIMPLE & EASY CAKE 

Want to have something yummy during lockdown ? Then try the easy & simple cake made with the ingredients easily available at home  & would be liked by children & elder members of the family.

  1. To make this cake you need 3 tb CURD (curd is used at the place of egg if you want to have an  eggless cake), 3 tb POWDERED SUGAR , 2 tb REFINED OIL , VANILLA ESSENCE , 1/2 ts BAKING POWDER , 1/2 ts SODA , 1/2 cup MILK .
  2. First of all preheat the oven on 170 'C . By preheating the oven the cake would be more spongy & tasty .
  3. In a mixing bowl take CURD & whisk properly .After this add POWDERED SUGAR & REFINED OIL & MIX WELL  & make a smooth paste .Now add to this paste FINE FLOUR [MAIDA] , BAKING POWDER , &  SODA as well .Whisk all these ingredients for sometime to make a smooth paste so when we pour it in the mould it would look like ribbon .
  4. Add VANILLA ESSENCE & whisk for few minutes .
  5. Apply refined oil or melted butter in the cake mould . Also sprinkle  some dry fine flour [ maida] & spred  allover .Now pour  the cake batter & add some dry fruits of your choice & place it in the oven . You can all add tooty - frooty also .
  6. If you are making it in a oven it would take 5-7 minutes , else it would take 45 minutes in baking without oven .
  7. In between  press a knife or tooth pick to check if the cake is ready or not . If batter does not sticks to the knife , it means your cake is ready . 
  8. Now take the mould out & let it cool down . After this flip the cake on a plate .
  9. Serve this yummy cake with evening tea.


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